Saturday, April 18, 2015


I suggest you all do it. Book a plane, or a train, go somewhere you have never been before. Go with someone you love and someone who has similar interests as you, so you dont have to fight over the places to go.

 If you need to, go alone. This is my first time traveling anywhere alone. Yes I am staying each night with an old friend (don't discredit me yet), but I traveled to Scotland alone, and I have been in Edinburgh all day as well. Being here alone for just one day has made me realize how exhilerating it can be! I just climbed a cliff, and literally laughed out loud at the top for reasons I can't even explain. 

It may have been sheer amazement that I made it to the top, it may have been at the absolute beauty down beneath me, but I really think it was due to the fact that I did something amazing and bucket list worthy all on a whim on my own. I didn't know what to do in Edinburgh, as I hadn't planned anything for the trip, but I saw it was an attraction, and decided, why the heck not....and I did it. 

After wheezing and sweating and constantly having to convince my mind I could climb it, I made it to the top and had the opportunity to take in God's glorious lands beneath me. I got to have a little celebration in my own head for doing something amazing. I didn't need the push from anyone else to do it, I have a strong enough mind set on my own to make myself do something great, and that is a pretty damn good feeling. 

I was proud, and on the way down, which thankfully I did not fall, I just looked up and marveled at how awesome it was to be at the top admiring below me, to instantly being at the bottom gazing to the top with a powerful mind set of "crushed it" (catch my pitch perfect reference?). 
All I am saying, is everyone deserves to have that little victory in their head, that moment of utter amazement at what you can do, that feeling of being in a land you have never been and don't know where to go next. The world is a pretty incredible place, go see for yourself.

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