Saturday, April 18, 2015

The meeting place of the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge

I went to Scotland to explore Edinburgh and St. Andrews, and the first day I spent in Edinburgh, I was alone and actually had a great time. I'm not a weird loner, but I do enjoy good quality time by myself....which if you can admit to yourself, you do too. I climbed Arthur's Seat (with my hiking bag, sweating and all). 

I saw the monuements, parks, and even went into Henrick's Bar, which my dad's friend from home know's the owner of, and had an amazing lunch there, chatting with the owner for a bit. I winded down the day by walking through the markets, and having a coffee in the Elephant House (aka where JK Rowling wrote the Harry Potter books....fangirling right now a little too hard). 

But later that night I took a train and a bus to St. Andrews to meet up with a childhood friend who went to school there. It could not have gone better! She welcomed me with such open arms and showed me the whole town. I fell in absolute love with St. Andrews. 

She walked me all around the campus, showed me the classrooms, the beaches, and the cute little town! My first morning there, we had Scottish sausage and eggs for breakfast and we got so busy we didn’t even think about food again till dinner! Well, before dinner, her roommate, and us decided to walk into town to get gelato from a famous gelateria:)

After completely devouring that, we decided to make a big dinner, it was Easter after all, so we decided to make a Sunday roast of Lamb, broccoli, and roasted carrots. All of which were really delicious, to the point that I want to eat broccoli again:) For dessert we had a Scottish tea cake called Tunnock’s, which is a biscuit, marshmallow, and chocolate, aka delicious. 

The next day, my friend had class, so I explored the town when she went to her first class at 11. I walked in a few shops, explored the town, then met her for tea at the cutest cafĂ© called Gorgeous at noon. I ate a scone with raspberry, blueberry, and white chocolate (which is Prince William’s favorite scone, so naturally it is called the Prince of Cambridge). We split a pot of tea (yes I actually drink that a lot now) and talked for a little before she headed back to class. 

From there, I went to one of the school’s quarters (think the horseshoe to all my Gamecock's out there, but a lot more majestic) and I sat out in the beautiful sun and read until her class was done at 2, in which we met for a light lunch. We met at a really nice diner called Mitchell’s and I got the potato and lentil soup, another amazing meal of course. 

My friend then made me try the famous fudge donut, which are made specifically in St. Andrews, it is a donut, with custard in the middle, and a different type of fudgy frosting, and it was amazing! When she went to her last class, I went to the beach and walked down it for a while, also walking on the green of the most famous golf course in the world, The Old Course, at St. Andrew’s, where the British Open will be played this year! After that, we got stuff for dinner, and had amazing roast chicken, broccoli, and sweat potatoes:) She treated me way to well. Of course we had more Tunnock’s for dessert too. After dinner, her, her roommate, and I went to the St. Andrews brewery and I tried local beers which was really fun!

My last day, I had to head back to Edinburgh early.  A 5:15 alarm was a kick in the butt. So was a 6 am bus ride, followed by a 6:20 train ride, and another long day of walking around with my backpack. Once I got in Edinburgh at 7:30, I walked around the town, going down some of the streets I hadn’t before. Maybe a 5 pm train was a bit excessive, but now I had 8 hours to kill. I took the bus out to Leith and walked around there for a little, down by the water. From there I climbed another hill (starts with a C, I never remember its name) pretty cool, and gave me a great view of aurther’s seat. I then saw the Hollyrood Palace, which was super pretty from above. After that, I walked back up the hill of markets to the castle and hung out there for a bit. Once I was thoroughly sure I saw everything in the city forward and backward, and I was completely exhausted, I went into the Starbucks at the train station and waited there for my train back to London, my first trip alone was actually really amazing:) Im proud of myself for actually doing it!

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