Prague, Czech Republic

About to climb up the tallest point in Prague, Petrin Tower.

Their national museum.

 The side of the astronomical clock

Old Town Square

Astronomical clock

Changing of the guards at Prague Castle

When you stand there and speak, your voice echoes only to you, super awesome!

The grand chapel in the Prague Castle

Inside the chapel

More of the castle grounds, which is the largest in the world!

3rd smallest house in Europe:)

Our view at the castle

John Lennon Wall

Hey mike, miss yah!

Entrance to charles bridge

roomies on our way to Prague (sorry these are out of order)

My first meal in Prague HAD to be goulash, and it was absolutely delicious.

On the way down from  the castle 

Honey chicken and creamy potatoes with the restaurants home made beer

Trdelnik (my new love), a dough form fried and cover in sugar, cinnamon, almonds, and nutella:)

Found my new hobby

Inside choice-story store (took me forever to decide which to get)

I made the right decision on this one!

Walking up Petrin Tower enjoying my views

Last dinner here, a panini with some fries and hot chocolate from Cafe Colore

Found my friend in a 5 story club in Prague, what are the chances??

Charles Bridge

Being in a country where you can't speak the language was definitely difficult at times!

No questions, I have no idea how this was done, and yes I thought about nudging him in the back to see if anything would happen, but I refrained and took a photo instead.

Top of Petrin Tower

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