Friday, March 27, 2015

Full stomach, happy heart

Today was a day meant for one thing: to get my friend a good backpack that she could use to pack in for a long trip during spring break. What today turned out to be....eating our way through various markets and multiple street vendors around London. I never really get down to the Shoreditch area or Camden, and after today, I know I need to go there more often. So my two friends and I set out for this backpack and we got a little sidetracked and started a place called Cereal Killer CafĂ© and got amazing breakfast (mine was bananrama: banana wheatabix, bananas, nutella, and banana milk). The whole place made you feel like a kid, they even sold capri sun's. They had cereals I have never even heard of before and combinations with different flavors of milk that were amazing. The walls were decorated in boxes and faces made from cheerios:) Then we went and got donuts (literally down the street from the cereal cafe) at Spittafields market.  I got a Nutella coconut cornet, called a croconut. After that, we found more markets off of brick lane with awesome vintage clothes, jewelry, hats, accessories, and so many vinyls.  We were trying on ridiculous things and while we were playing around in there we found more food vendors on the other side of it and got wings at The Orange Buffalo (a very well known food truck in London, it was some really great wings, although not totally up to PJ Whelihan's standards, but still really damn good). Then we finally got my friends bookbag for her, which turned out to be a really good one (thank goodness or else the day would have been totally pointless....plot twist we almost forgot to get her a bookbag). On the way home we stopped at another market, called Camden Markets (a bunch of shops and food trucks as well, one I absolutely want to return to!) We got chorizo mac n cheese from a stand and a crepe with nutella, there was also amazing looking pulled pork, falafel at every corner, and these weird cured meats made on coconut bread which looked delicious. Now that I have all of your mouths watering and your stomachs growling, we finally reached our breaking point of full-ness and decided to call it a day... until next time London markets:)

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