Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Strange things are happening...

        Not really, but I hope it got your attention. Well, actually a little. Okay, so I know I have my quirks, but don't we all? I'm a little OCD about weird things in life, I stress way to easily, I'm like a stage 5 clinger when it comes to being a homebody, although I do love a good night out. I would rather be reading half the time then socializing, but the one thing I have felt very absurd about since I've been here is my people watching. 
        At home, everyone people watches, you make eye contact with someone like every 5 steps. London? Not so much, the tube is the absolute worst. I always look around and everyone always looks down, at the paper, or at their phones. But on that horrible moment you make eye contact with someone....no bueno. You get a deep stare into your soul as if you crossed this horrible line with a complete stranger. Am I that obviously American to them? I am quickly learning to teach myself to just stare at nothing, which works for about .5 seconds, then it is back to being that rude girl who always actually looks away from whatever is on the ground or on my phone. 
        I mean we are all pretty interesting creatures if I do say so myself. And the floor in the tube is really not that exciting. I would much rather watch people in the tube, or as I like to think of it (yes, stupid Mean Girl reference coming up) is like a watering hole. Stick with me people, this is real. From people all dressed up for work (the lions ready to pounce on the day and make the money they clearly need to liven London), the more scruffy/artistic looking people (think gazelle), the students with backpacks and a constant thoughtful look on their face (Elephant? idk the animal comparisons are pretty lame and quite random, but you get the point). 
        But seriously, everyone is so unique, and being able to take the tube everyday allows me to see it. I am used to my school at home: all the girls in big t-shirts and shorts, high socks, and nikes (don't worry I do this too), and the boys in either "fraternity attire" or just way too short of salmon shorts. It's all the same and a lot of originality is lost, but not in London. I'm not trying to get all inspirational here, but I have been thinking about that for quite a bit of time here. People here hate staring at others, but they don't give a crap about privacy, no window had a curtain. You know why? Because no one else cares, no one people watched here! 
        I always look in the open windows, to see what the houses look like, now don't go calling some stalker hot line on me, but I just don't get how people here aren't tempted to see how others are getting by. I still do not know if that is a flaw I hold, or something a little more special about my weird brain, and I do not think I will ever know. But regardless, even the meanest, deepest soul staring glares I get from people here, I can't help myself, I am an absolute people watcher and not even London can change that:)

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