Wednesday, March 4, 2015


If you know me, you know I LOVE food. I am picky, but I have been trying to expand my oh so horrible palette. To this day I wish I could stomach a good plate of veggies, but while my brain is saying I need that to be healthy, my damn stomach goes yeah but cookies and ice cream and fries and bread are just so much tastier. As my gym teacher used to say, good for your lips, bad for your hips. Since I've been here, I have kinda been screwing my hips, with some exceptions along the way. I have only been here about 2 months now, and wanted to tell all those who have future plans to London on some good eats:

That is easy, any brunch place will suffice. The more expensive, means the better quality of food, but not necessarily the better tasting. Once you reach in the £25 range, you might start getting some weird foods that you have never heard of before, and they often serve all breakfasts with beans and mushrooms? 
But I can always go for a good coffee and eggs at just about any cafe on the street, a personal favorites are Victoria Vale and Cafe In.


If you go to any other place then Borough Market on a Friday or Saturday, you are not doing lunch right. They have fresh meets and cheeses, my favorite chicken burger sandwich, the most amazing salt beef sandwiches, and just about any dessert you can think of to go along with it. My personal favorite is a donut from BreadAhead Bakery. If it is Sunday, go to Brick Lane markets. They are located in a weird part of London, my friend and I almost did not find it, but once you get through the little Bangladesh town, you find these amazing markets with food that smells like nothing your senses have experienced before. There is falafel, crepes, smoothies, every type of chicken and rice or chicken and noodles you can think of. The best part? They WANT you to sample their food to show you how good it is. If you are really cheap, you can get around paying for lunch by trying enough samples, but I suggest splurging on an actual meal, it is cheap and absolutely worth it. Any other day, I would suggest Nicholson's right by Tower Bridge. I got a pulled pork burger and it was the best one I have ever had, and it came with fries AND onion rings, like who does that?!

Local Beer from Nicholson's

Pulled Pork Burger

Chicken Burger

 Bread Ahead Donut

Borough Market

Brick Lane

My favorite, thanks to my grandfathers suggestion, is The Last Running Footman, I have been there twice and am a huge fan of everything. I loved the asparagus risotto and the Kashmir chicken dishes. They have Italian, Indian, English, and even American foods. Speaking of American food, if you are here for a while and miss a good burger and fries, support the only chain place I will go to here: Shake Shack. I got a burger and fries with a milkshake, and I felt like I was Sandy from Greese about to walk to my convertible with Danny (hey mike) to watch a drive-in movie. But seriously it was the best meal and it came at a time I was missing home lots, so double points for them. 

Ah yes, the best part:) I recently came across the Creperie, in which I got a butterscotch and banana crepe which was just about the best one I have ever had. Also a personal favorite of mine is any gelato place, you cannot go wrong with a good scoop of cookies and cream gelato, even on those cold, windy London nights. 

Grocery Store Finds:
I have been trying to get new things at the grocery stores I shop at to try some new foods, and a personal favorite of mine has been making Tikka Chicken. It has a weird flavor, one which I cannot explain (kinda like Kashmir chicken, but less cinnamon-y?) I also am a big fan of the muesli (think oatmeal but with more grains, nuts, raisins, and other items I don't know the name of). They don't have turkey bacon, so I have been settling for regular bacon, which NO to all you Brits who think otherwise, it is NOT as good as American bacon, get over it. But, aside from brand names and weird chip flavors (chicken and thyme and prawn flavored?) most things are pretty much the same, you just have to know where to go and where to find the good stuff:) 

Anytime is a good tea time in London, but really I suggest anyone visiting to go to and actual Tea Time, especially at the Orangery, right next to the Kensington Palace. Amazing views, amazing food, and even more amazing champagne:) It was a lovely experience.

Your welcome for clogging every artery you have left, and even more welcome for how much more of each of these places you will crave after trying them:)

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