Saturday, February 28, 2015

Always More to Learn

This post isn't about things I have done, but more about what I am continuing to learn as I spend my time in another country. To start, I am so thankful I picked a country where people speak English, the accent barrier can be difficult enough at times to give you a headache, I couldn't imagine small things like asking what comes on that chicken dish at dinner, or which way to the bathroom in a building with a language barrier, but more props to everyone who does it! Also, people in London are not concerned about their privacy, there are rarely curtains, people talk about personal things while while down the street on the phone, and they don't seem to care who sees or hears what is going on in their life. I am a people watcher by nature, and being here is putting my brain in overdrive in that area. I recently went to a pub around the time most people get off work, and my friends and I were flabbergasted as to how relaxed and cool everyone seemed in there. There were people in tuxes, women in jeans, men in running suits, and everyone just fit in. They were all int heir own groups completely unconcerned for those nearby. It was the first time I felt bad about people watching, none of them were glancing around at others wondering what was going on in someone else's circle. It was completely refreshing seeing as to how perfectly content they all were in their own worlds, and it made me really appreciate mine:) I really like learning small things about the way of life in England, although I won't mind being home and being able to go to the grocery store and get EVERYTHING I need in one place, or taking my car to wherever the heck I want to go, but I will miss simple things in the UK, like how everyone goes to a pub after works and forgets the day and just relax so easily and forget about their stress for a little while, I think we could all use that every once in a while. I am being surprised daily by such differences between the United States and the United Kingdom, I came in so naive only expecting an accent to separate us, but it goes way deeper. I love knowing that I am able to be here long enough to not only finding out these differences, but living through them as well. Its been quite an experience, and its only getting started....

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