Saturday, February 28, 2015

London Fashion Week

For one of my roommates birthdays, we decided to get tickets to London Fashion Week! It was not too pricey, but we bought it further in advance. We went there early Thursday morning and started off by getting a tote bag filled with some fun goodies (which probably covered the cost of the ticket which was AWESOME). From there we shopped around the designer galleries which were priced at a  "steep" discount, meaning they are now 300 pounds instead of 1000. 

I have never felt more out of place, but then again I did dress the part pretty well I must say (in a totally non-egotistical way, but my all black outfit made me feel fierce in there, just not fierce enough to drop 300 pounds on a scarf...) But I did end up buying a beautiful necklace at a college price level which was fun. 

We then went to a catwalk show, called The Trends. They had 4 themes during the show: Hyper Flower, Monochromatic, Shimmer and Shine, and That's so 70's (because flare and lace is back, am I right??) 

After that we walked around and looked at the designers some more, made fun of some of the funny designs, then decided to head home after seeing enough fashion trends to last us a lifetime. It was fun to act like I knew everything I was looking at when I was there, realizing fashion is a true form of art, one I think I will never master, but again it was fun to pretend for a day:) Look out Vera Wang and MiuMiu, I am starting to get some good ideas over here now....

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