Saturday, March 14, 2015

Alert the Queen!

I'm back:) Well I didn't actually go anywhere, but something better....Mike came here! He was here all last week for his spring break. I am a very lucky girl that he came to visit! We did so much in a week, literally covering all of London, so I will just share a few of the fun things we were able to do. Also these pictures are sorely out of order, so they are all labeled for your convenience (you're welcome mom).
St. Pauls Cathedral

Golden Jubilee Bridge

When he got here at 8 am last Sunday, I made him walk ALL over and see Buckingham palace, Kensington Palace, Green Park, Hyde Park, Trafalgar Square, and St. James Park. He loved it all but definitely was about to crash, and in the nick of time because we were able to check into the hotel we were staying it. It was a lovely place with a kitchen in it too, so we decided to go and get some groceries on the way to make lunches and breakfasts when we could. While unpacking, Mike took a hard nap for about an hour, by hard I mean sleep talking and all. But I didn't blame him for being up for almost 24 house straight. 

London Eye and Big Ben

Piccadilly Circus

On Monday we went around to Tower of London, Tower Bridge, Globe Theater (I still don't think Mike knows what that is), Millennium Bridge (as soon as he found out it was in Harry Potter, he lost interest in it haha), and finally ending up at St. Paul's Cathedral. Again, it was another day of lots of walking, but we made it fun, and I loved being able to show Mike all the amazing things in this city. 

Trivia Pub Night

On Tuesday we did Big Ben, House of Parliament, Westminster Abbey, Oxford Circus, Piccadilly Circus, and we even met up with my roommates for Pub Trivia Night! Oxford Circus was fun to walk through, but Mike and I really loved Piccadilly Circus, as it reminded us of Times Square. We went into this 6 floor sports shop, and of course the M&M factory, which we of course bought lots of M&M's. From there, we met my roommates at The Old Queens Head for Trivia night. We did better then last time, 8 out of 13! Moving up in this trivia world. Mike did the airplane contest, where he had to throw the airplane closest to the most, his went the furthest, but sadly not the closest to the host. I did the bubble blowing contest and won it actually, getting a "beard knitting kit" (no joke) and a round of shots for our team, so that was pretty fun. We answered some hard questions, and weirdly got a lot of them right. It was a fun night and I was so happy Mike and my roommates could meet because I always talk about them to the other person, so I am glad faces can go to names now. 


National Maritime Museum

The big ship at Greenwich

Wednesday was another day for exploration. I guess every day in London technically is, its not really a beach type place where you can just sit around and bask in the non-existent sun, which was crazily existent all week that Mike was here. We decided to be adventurous and go out to Greenwich. Now that took 2 tubes, and 3 buses. It was supposed to only be 2 buses, but we took one the wrong way by accident. After 2 house of traveling we got dropped off literally in the middle of nowhere. All we could do at that point was laugh and keep walking. We actually ended up being up this almost mountainside hill, and looking down we saw the National Maritime Museum and the Queens Art Gallery. The buildings were separated by the Prime Meridian line which was awesome to see. Beyond those buildings was a quaint little town that Mike and I wandered through for a while. We ended up at the Navy college looking at a huge ship in the water. It turned out to be a successful adventure, and after exploring the town, we headed back into London. 

Clearly flawless on the river cruise

On the London Eye

Borough Market chicken burger

Mike had to get the apple juice...

Thursday, already this week is going by too fast for me, but this is the happiest I have been. Mike and I went on a river cruise and the London Eye today! Again, it was super sunny, so we could see for miles, but the river cruise was a bit cold. We lasted the first half up top, which was more then enough. After that, we just took the day to walk around on our own and just explore the city.

Gin and Tonic...still debating the taste

On top of the Monument

Being Explorers

This is the day I didn't want to write about, his last day here. I do not get how time can go so fast with him around. We woke up and went right to Borough Market where we both got chicken burgers and ice cream:) We bumped into his parents and went with them to the Beefeater Gin Distillery (the only one in the world!) and took a tour. Gin and tonic is not my favorite drink, but drinking it straight from the distillery? Pretty badass... After that distillery, Mike and I climbed the Monument, 311 steps later, we had another gorgeous view of London from above. We stood up there for a while looking out over the city (but actually we just needed to catch our breath). From there we called it a day, and went to a nice dinner, and sadly packed up our stuff. 

Millenium Bridge

Tower Bridge

Tower of London

Trafalger Square

Kensington Palace

Going up the 311 steps of the Monuement

Beefeater Gin Distillery

Outside Borough Market

In the London Eye

Me not wanting him to leave, and using him for warmth on the River Cruise:)

Saying goodbye to Mike the next morning was absolutely horrible, but being able to see him and his parents, and spending the whole week with his, was truly amazing. I am very lucky to have had him come all the way across the pond to see me, and he makes my laugh half here seem that much brighter, knowing next time I see him will be for the nice long summer:)

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