Saturday, February 14, 2015

Oxford Trip

Two of my friends and I decided to take a spontaneous day trip to Oxford.  It was an early start, and when we got to the tube station, one of my friends realized she did not have her ticket, so we had to wait for her to run all the way back to the flat to get it, but the buses to Oxford run so often that it was not a big deal at all. We then made it to the bus at 8:40 and I pretty much slept the entire way to Oxford, which took an hour and 40 minutes. Once we got off the bus, we went through the town and found the cutest Java and Coffee Company where I got a nutella hot chocolate which was actually amazing and probably just made with hot milk and nutella, a recipe I will be repeatingJ From there we went on a tour of the city, which is mainly built up around the college. I did not know that there are 28 different colleges that make up Oxford College. It is an extremely elite school, in which Tolkien, Oscar Wilde, and many people of great power attended. There is also a part of the college where only "fellows" can go, it is basically for older men, who finished "uni" and graduate school, and most likely have their PhD or Doctorate or have done many dissertations, and other crazy stuff like that, who want to spend the rest of their life researching, they get paid to do it, very well, and they can travel and really do anything and the college will fund it. It is one of the most elite groups and nearly impossible to get accepted there.  After the tour, we decided to grab lunch at a cute little pub where I got a local beer and a very delicious Panini. From there, we shopped around a bit, but it was pretty rainy and chilly so we kept trying to find places we could go inside. We did get lost walking through one of the campuses and it was very beautiful, with lots of stone and architecture that made it feel like a fortress. All of the colleges were built like that, I did get a Hogwarts feel, but also a big feeling of not belonging. I felt like the voices from Princess Diaries were going to yell at me to get off the grass, but say "get out of Oxford you peasant." After walking around a lot we ended up getting drinks at a pub that was a hole in the wall, but very cool inside. What was supposed to be a few drinks, led to us staying in Oxford until much later then we planned….but we eventually made our way to the bus and got home safely, it was a very fun day in Oxford and I am glad we planned that last minute trip!    

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