Monday, February 16, 2015

On the road again

I finally discovered the markets of Brick Lane. It was amazing and so fun, with lots of antiques, Bangladesh food (don't worry, there were crepes too),  music, and lots of art! I had a great time just wandering down each of the rows and sampling all the foods. It was a market in the middle of nowhere, and Anna and I almost turned around when we got off the tube because we thought it had to be the wrong place, but we did eventually find the market, and we will definitely be back. After a nice weekend of discovering a little bit more of what England had to offer........It is time for some more travels:) My roommates and I leave for Brussels and Amsterdam tomorrow before the crack of dawn even hits... happy Maddie won't be there until at least 7 am. But I am currently very excited to be able to go spend a few days in some different countries (there is no way to say that and not sound spoiled, so I apologize). This week is independent student learning week, aka a "mid-winter break", where we don't have classes for the week and are supposed to catch up on school work, so obviously its the week everyone travels. Don't worry mom and dad, I am all caught up on my work (I think). But I will be back in a few days, with I am sure lots of stories and pictures to share for everyone! So go and enjoy your 2 degree weather back home and I will get you caught up on my life soon:)

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