Wednesday, February 11, 2015

10 things I don't miss from home

1. Chocolate: I never really ate it that much at home to begin with, but British chocolate (really any chocolate in Europe) is the best thing I have ever tasted, and I have been eating it non-stop here! My favorites are kinder, happy hippos, and milk bars:)

2. Dryers: Yes that sounds weird, and I thought I would die without one, but my clothes always end up dried from hanging them and clean, and that's what matters, right?

3. My car: I take the bus, tube, train, or plane anywhere I go, and they system here is amazing! Yes, I miss the simplicity of getting in my own car and driving to wherever I want, but it's also nice not having to do that for a while.

4. Homework: No one ever misses that, but English schools (I am not sure if it is the same everywhere in Europe) only have 2 assignments or exams that are graded, not homework, no busy work, nothing. The course is taught in a lecture style, and the rest is pretty much dependent on how much outside of class time you put into learning the material.

5. Being dependent on others: I have learned quickly here that if I want to do something or go somewhere, then book that plane ticket and go, its nice if others want to come with you places (don't worry I don't travel alone, that was a larger sized example) but its also nice just going for a walk around the town and taking some of the sites in, in your own time.

6. Sun: Normally at school back home, whenever it is cloudy or raining my whole mood becomes quite sour, but cloudy days are a way of life here, and yes you take in every bit of sun you can get, but bad weather does not put me in a bad mood anymore.

7. My own room: Yes I miss a little privacy here and there, but its like a throwback to freshman year when this is the only way you know how to live now, you just have to work around each others schedule. I am also really lucky to have a roommate who rocks and we really get along, which makes our situation A LOT easier.

8. All of my clothes: I clearly had to downsize my closet coming here (although some would say I did not do a very good job of that), but if you saw my closet at home, you would know I did not bring a lot of my stuff. I have been good with wearing the essentials and not really craving a totally "new" outfit everyday. Yes I am big "outfit repeater" now, but it's not as bad as Lizzie McQuire makes it seem.

9. A TV: I know, its a major tragedy that I do not have one here, but I have grown to love Netflix on my computer, and the British version has wayyyyy more movies then we do at home. Also, I do not have that much time for TV, so now when I do have free time to sit down I am reading, or writing to you guys instead:)

10. Working: I do not think anyone will miss this, but at home during the school year, I would be working 2 jobs, play lacrosse, referee lacrosse, and be in a sorority (a job in itself) and all of that with a full school load too! I never had any down time, and I was worried coming here that only having 4 classes would mean I would be so bored. But being abroad is the best time to have all of this free time in your life, whenever I know  have nothing to do, I fond new areas of the city I have not been, or even simple things like new grocery stores to try, now bookstores to go in, or even just be able to sit down and really enjoy this amazing place I am currently living in:)

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