Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Been a while...

          Sorry everyone, I'm definitely still alive!! I have been crazy busy this past week running around London and such (no, not with school, there is no such thing as homework here). It's weird actually, all my grades depend on either 2 exams, or 1 project and 1 exam, either way, they expect you to do outside work on your own and there is never any homework or "busy" work. This past friday I went to Borough Market and got my most favorite foods to date: a homemade chicken burger with salsa, sweet chili, and cilantro....AND an almond honey bar with a custard middle and a cake bottom:) my stomach was super happy (check out my Instagram wandering_worlds for pictures!). 

          Saturday I went with my program to Canterbury and Dover for the day. In Canterbury we visited the chapel, which was stunning as usual, and form there had free time to roam the city. My friends and I finally tried our first English Cornish pasty and they were actually quite delicious, it is like a calzone shape filled with meats and potatoes. After having the pasty's (weird name, I know) we walked around the town and I finally made a first real purchase here, none of that Primark stuff, and bought a nice pair of flats. They are a bit hipster of me, but I am excited to start wearing them. From Canterbury, we made our way to Dover and started right away at the White Cliffs of Dover (which are white due to the chalky ground under them, like stonehenge mom). It was a lovely sight, but a very cloudy, windy, and cold day so I was not wanting to enjoy being up there for too long. We then went to the underground caves within the cliffs where people worked and stayed during WWII. It was an amazing thing to see how people created these vast tunnels, three different floors, with living quarters, showers, lights, and technology centers. I was really impressed by how well they were able to conceal themselves within the cliffs and keep safe from the bombings that the Germans continuously dropped on them during the war. (Fun fact: if you see some more modern houses in London in a street with a lot of historical houses, it could be because those houses were once hit by bombs during the war and remade during a more modern time, so says the old man who told me this story...). From the tunnels, we did not have enough time to see the inside of the castle, which I was quite bummed about, but I was exhausted so I happily welcomed our 2 hour drive back to London with a much needed nap.

          Sunday, as God put it, was a day of rest. I do not think I moved from my bed, until a few of us decided to walk to Portobello market where I got freshly squeezed Apple and Ginger juice (besides feeling super healthy, it was delicious so now I really want a juicer for when I come home...cough, cough mom). I enjoyed the market, filled with trinkets and toys, old leather rugby balls, cricket sets, vintage books, and some very interesting jewelry. Being only a few blocks from the market is definitely something I am very lucky for.

          So now, I finished my classes for the week (yes, its only Tuesday and I know you're all jealous) and I have no classes next week, its called "Independent Student Learning Week." AKA they expect us to catch up on all our work from the first half of the semester....but my roommates and I decided to book a trip to Brussels and Amsterdam instead, oops:) And this weekend a few of us decided to book a day trip to Oxford as well. I am looking forward to more future travels, not only in Europe, but also within the beautifully country I currently call home.

Now you lucky readers are caught up on the life of Maddie:) 

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