Monday, February 2, 2015

Bitter Sweet

I am spending my last night with my mom, after being able to spend a week with her. We had so much fun going to Dublin, spending her 50th birthday in Stonehenge and Bath and just being able to explore the cityI have called my home the past month. We found a bunch of new restaurants (one we even visited twice, and had amazing meals both times...thanks Grandy for the suggesstion and The Last Running Footman!!)  It has been a very crazy and fun week and I know I will get hit hard bythat homesickness when she leaves and I sit down for the first time in what feels like forever. My feet are tired but my heart is happy that I was lucky enough to spend a week with my mom, and I will be so sad to see her go. Looking back on the past week I have learned quite a few new fun facts for yah:

Dublin- first founded by vikings and named Dubh Linn (meaning black pools) becuase it was surrounded by two water ways, the Liffe and the Poddle Rivers. If you want to hear real Irish music and Irish dancing, go to the country cause you wont find the good stuff in the city (think of a foreigner coming to NYC wanting to see lots of country stuff...) While we were there, something called Tradfest was occurring, which was cool to see a festival there, but I feel like they just made it up because they are too excited for St.Patricks day and wanted to get the ball rolling early.

Stonehenge- the only circular rock formation with horizontal stones on top. It has a 300 foot radius (if I remember correctly). Dates back to wayyyyy earlier then I would have expected. Built on top of land that had lots of chalk underneath, making it soft, also the reason why you can't actualy walk up to the stones because the ground is too fragile. The mounds of land surrounding the area? Thats actually old graveyards, so lots of bodies are underneath them. Also it is surrounded by farms so there are sheep roaming everywhere!

Bath- only hot water from the grounf in England, so when it was first discovered,people were scared of it. Later, Romans turned it into the Bath House to entice the English and let them come and use them and see how the Romans lived and to try an convert them to a Roman way of life. The water is stillthere, and still hot, but super dirty and murky, so no bath for me there...

All in all it was an amazing week, one that ended way to quickly, but I am still very thankful for the time I got to spend with her:) 

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