Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Today is a good day

I am sitting here writing this as I wait for my mom to get the the flat she is staying in for the week! I am so excited to see her as a bit of homesickness has been hitting me lately, but I have been so out of a routine lately I have not had much time to just sit down and wallow about it which has helped a lot. These past couple days after Prague have been very relaxing and much needed time to just do a bit of nothing. By nothing I mean still going to all my classes (don't worry I still know why I came here). Also a few of us went to trivia night last night at a Pub we found and it was the best! We had 4 rounds of actual questions of History, Geography, Music, and Random, but then we also had a round of bubble blowing, airplane throwing, and kazookeoke (playing kazoo while you dance, and no I did not partake in that one, sorry we made you do it Anna). But overall we had a really good time and will absolutely be returning (and to maybe do better then 12 out of 15 next time...). But now I am just waiting here extremely impatiently to go see my mom. This week we are celebrating her 50th birthday along with going to Dublin and Stonehenge while she is here! I cannot wait to show her around. Until next time...

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