Friday, January 23, 2015

Praha, Prague, Praga, Praga

All of these are names you can call this incredible city in Czech. 

After getting off the plane at 12 am, we quickly got to baggage check where we found our transportation waiting for us. We got into the bus and were shuttle to our hostel ELF by 1 am. We got checked in(the place was very weird and Mexican themed) and we all got a private room to share which was very nice. This being our first hostel ever was quite the experience seeing the lack of amenities, but I am also sure it will probably be one of the nicer ones I stay in! So we all set our alarms and got up at 9 because we had previously scheduled a walking tour. After eating breakfast at the hostel (toast and jam and these weird meats) we walked to the meeting point for our tour. Our tour guides name was Martina, she took us everywhere in Prague! From Old square, to new Square, the the Jewish Quarter. We got the see the astronomical clock have it's changing of the hour where it's figures danced and the rooster crowed on top (but it was so old, it did not actually sound like that). After our tour we were pointed to a delicious lunch place where I got my first beef goulash which was so amazing! It came with bread dumplings to dip in it which were also very yummy. After lunch we decided to go on another tour with Martina to the Prague castle and John Lennon wall. It was a very long and very cold tour, but we saw a lot of buildings in the Prague Castle (the largest castle grounds in the world). It was like a village in there! We got to go up one of the towers, see changing of the guards, the chapel including its inside, and even see the 3rd smallest house in Europe in the castle grounds. After seeing all we could in there, we went to the John Lennon wall where Martina gave us spray paint for it:) it was once painted over in white saying “the wall is over” and the painting over everything was actually considered vandalism! I spray painted M&M(for mike and I) and Mom into the wall (because she deserved to have her name on it for getting me here). After the wall we stopped at Charles Bridge, which was amazing at night but we are definitely going to try and go during the day too. From there the tour was over and we decided to go out to dinner with a couple from London and Australia (boy from London, Girl from Australia) that we met from the tour. I got chicken with honey and creamy potatoes which were also so good! The restaurant was also a micro brewery so I tried their light beer, 1466, which definitely reminded me of the average American light beer. After dinner we walked through the town and got these dough balls called Trdelnik, that looked like bee hives and were covered in cinnamon, sugar, and almonds. It was amazing. I have eaten so well here since I've been here, partly because I have to eat out for every meal. We the. Returned to our hostel where they were serving hot mulled wine, which I don't think I like all too much. Hot wine is a weird concept. But I'm glad I tried it. Now I am settling in after day two, which I got to climb the Petrin Tower and see literally all of Prague in a light snowfall from the highest point in Czech (absolutely breathtaking) eat at a delicious cafe called Cafe Colore and see some more of the wonderful streets of Prague. Tomorrow is my last day here and I am already sad to think about leaving this amazing place, but I am so satisfied that I got to see every part of it along the way. Thank you Prague, you are incredible. 

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