Thursday, January 22, 2015

Off to Prague!

 I am currently writing this while in the air to Prague, but I won't post it until later so I'll already be there by the time you read this:) I am with my roommates on the plane, after taking 2 tubes and a 2 hour bus ride we made it safely on the plane. The airport was actually quite nice with lots of restaurants and shops. It was weird, they have you all sit in one big area with all the food and shops and announce and post on a big electronic board where your plane is boarding, and then you walk to whatever gate it tells you, then you get right on the plane. My best investment yet was my 3 day hiking bag. It was perfect for everything I needed this weekend and getting it on the plane. The tickets to Prague were cheap but these airlines will charge you £55 (that's pounds) if you have too big of a bag! But now we are safely in the air on our way to this amazing place and I am very excited to see what awaits us these next couple days. Until then fellow readers….(don't worry mom, dad, and mike you all will be receiving texts when I land!!) 

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