Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Words of Wisdom

Some tips people don't normally mention before you leave to go abroad:

1. Pack clothes that you can wear multiple times before washing
2. Be flexible with time and planning, there are so many places you'll want to go, but don't try and see them all the first few days
3. Also remember that same thing for spending, don't go out and buy all your friends/family stuff on the first day
4. The food in Europe is fresh, it doesn't have al the chemicals Americans put in it, that being said, buy in smaller quantities because the food does not last as long
5. Also buy in smaller quantities because you will most likely have to walk a long way back or take tube back to your flat
6. Try and use the new lingo you're learning, it helps adapting much easier (ex. tube and flat)
7. Try the local food, you'd be surprised about how good it is (especially the candy, my new favorite is hungry hippo)
8. Keeping in touch with everyone at home is such a huge help to not get homesick
9. Making new friends is easy and makes the time here so much better (did I mention its easy? every person here also wants to make friends because they are doing the same thing you are!)
10. Don't be disappointed by the difference in living arrangements (aka no shower curtain)
11. Listen to your own heart and decide which of these you actually think will be beneficial and useful to you:)

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