Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Getting into the Norm

I can officially say I have overcome and jet lag or random tiredness now. I can also say my new favorite candy is Happy Hippos (thanks to my roommate Tessa) and Sherlock is a great Netflix show to watch (also thanks to my roommate Tessa). I have been having such a great time here, my flat is really great (not the part where we don’t have a shower curtain or dryer) but aside from that I got really lucky. The flat is in such a nice residential neighborhood, so it is very peaceful and serene. There is even a private garden only our neighborhood can access by a key so Tessa and I walked through that today. I have discovered that people here grocery shop a little everyday, that is because their food is made without the chemicals we put in ours, so it is very fresh but does not last as long. I have already made a few grocery shops already.  Two days ago we were given a double decker bus tour of London where we drove by the Big Ben, Tower Bridge, Tower of London, got to stop at Buckingham Palace, went through Piccadilly Circus and Trafalgar Square, and ended in central London. From there we were on our own to master the Tube and get back to our flats. We stayed out and went to eat at a Mexican Restaurant called Benito’s Hat (because you should eat Mexican while in the UK I guess) and then walked through Oxford Street until we found a nice pub to get cider at. Yesterday I finally had my school orientation, and it was a very long 2 hours, where they spent a surprising amount of time acting as if we did not know what plagiarism was and how to make sure we don’t do it. But afterwards a bunch of us (who all happened to live in the same place) went to the Hummingbird CafĂ© and got cupcakes and decided to explore some more. We went to the Tower of London and Tower Bridge (which almost everyone calls London Bridge, you’re actually very wrong), then we stopped at Globe Theater, and walked over the Millennium Bridge and ended at a very delicious candy store that reminded me of Willy Wonka and the lady let me try a Bonbon (similar to a milk dud). I have greatly enjoyed my little time here so far and am very excited to see what is in store for the rest of my stay.

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