Thursday, January 8, 2015

Things to know about London

1. To know you're in the city of London, you need to pass a street with a Dragon in the middle high up on a pole.
2. People pick their nose in public A LOT and no one else seems to give them the same weirded out look that I do.
3. Telling someone they are a 25 minute tube ride away is a short distance.
4. Walk the steps on the left side, DO NOT try and stick to the right.
5. There are always going to be delays and strikes on the bus and tube systems, but they still work better then any form of transportation I know.
6. A lot of museums are free, so go brush up on some cool history.
7. You never see people carrying around food on the go, it does;t seem like much until you do it and feel bad for eating around others.
8. Movie premieres happen all the time, so go out and see some of you favorite stars, but get there early enough to get a number on your hand so you can stand up closer.
9. When people say the English dress up all the time, they aren't joking, they are always in their best clothes and you will always most likely feel like a homeless person standing next to them.
10. Being yourself, whatever they may be or look like, is totally executable here, no one cares, except DON"T TALK ON THE TUBE, EVER!

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