Monday, January 12, 2015

Lay of the Land

Sorry world! (jk sorry to my like two readers out there...) I have been so crazy because today was the first day of classes! I can't believe how fast the time is going while ere, it's already been a week! Today for class I had a finance class that lasted 3 hours, and my one professor was Russian and British while the other was Indina, French, and British...try and picture those accents in your head. I was pleasantly surprised that I knew most of the material (thank god because i'm a junior Finance major) so I am not sweating that class too much...yet. My next class did make me sweat, literally. It was Yoga class and as soon as the professor came in, we got right on our mats and got to work. I was in pain by the end of class and she said that was just the beginning, but I am actually very excited to learn not only more poses but the actual practice behind yoga...stay tuned on that one folks. But last night, to kick off classes, two of my friends and I went to a random pub in a borough we have never been before to watch the Packers vs. Cowboys, and we ended up in an upstairs area filled with Americans, and I even ran into a friend from home who is also studying abroad, what a small world! I know it sounds bad to be doing so much American stuff when I should be emerging myself in the culture, but believe me that was a much needed break, don't worry though I still ordered a pint and some chips (beer and fries) to even my life out a little.
Funny memes say beer can
This has pretty much been my life the past couple days, even though they speak English, they are still very difficult to understand! 

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