Saturday, January 17, 2015

"What is life without a little risk." -JK Rowling

HARRY POTTER STUDIO TOUR! I think I may or may not have jumped out of bed, even at 7 am, because I was going to the Warner Brothers Studios where they filmed a lot of the Harry Potter Movies! The tour was called, "Harry Potter in the making." When we arrived, the studios were actually letters J and K (ironically the authors name), we started in studio J. From there we were sent into a studio room where we watched how JK Rowlings books were found and a producer picked it up (David Heyman) and started making the movies. After, the tour guide moved us to the Great Hall (like the actual and legitimate Great Hall where the students ate their meals in the movies, and it was still set up with two of the tables and the professors (well mannequins with their robes on them, at the front all setup like in the movies). It was so amazing to see everything and how it was really made. From there we walked through a bunch of rooms containing all the costumes, props, sets, broom sticks, scenes, and even down to the actual quills used in the movies. (If you want to, on the Page labeled Harry Potter, you can see all the pictures from my tour!) It was so amazing and I have over 150 pictures to show for it. We also got to see the Knight bus, 4 Private Drive, the motor bike, the flying car, the Burrow, classrooms, dormitory rooms, and so much more. I was definitely in my happy place thereJ I also finally got to try Butterbeer which I actually really love (its cream soda with a butterscotch whip cream). After trying Butterbeer, we moved into set K and went through the creature shop, where all the goblins and animals were made. In fact the first time Dumbledore say his phoenix for the movie, he through it was real. Buckbeak looked so amazing real to me, and it must have taken them so long to create his look with individual feathers. I also learned that Hagrid, in real life, was played by a man that was only 6' 3", so for some of the scenes he was on stilts, but the the scenes where he was moving a lot, it was played by and English rugby player who had a head made to look exactly like Hagrid's mounted on top of him. I got to walk through Diagon Alley, which was much smaller then I had expected. We also saw the model of Hogwarts (so whenever in the movies they filmed the outside of the school, this is what they were filming). It was absolutely breathtaking, from every last little detail in the castle, to the bridge outside of it, even the trees and bushes outside were so amazingly done. That was my favorite room by far. We ended the tour in the wand room, not the real one, but they had to put the 17,000 boxes of wands for the movie somewhere. Each box had names of all the people who helped create the movies hand written on each of them. It was an amazing tour that I would recommend to anyone when they visit London. We then spent a great amount of time in the gift shop at the end….. It was a wonderful experience!

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