Saturday, January 17, 2015

High Tea Time

Bright and early at 7:45 am we had to go into center London to meet the ISA group (the program through which I am studying abroad) at Waterloo station (right by the London eye) to take a day trip to Windsor. We were dragging a bit, working on only 3 hours of sleep from being out late the night before. I took a nice nap on the way there, as it was an hour away, and I woke up to lots of green fields, beautiful houses, and a nice sunny day. It was a nice change from the city. The main entrance to the Windsor Castle is 3 miles long, and it is the way Queen Elizabeth enters, as it is her favorite castle and I can completely understand why. Windsor Castle is one of the oldest habited castles, and it has never been under attack. It was a lot larger then I had thought possible, with lots of different towers, and it had lovely gardens, and so many tombs of past nobles and kings and queens and priests. We went inside the chapel, which was done with such amazing detail, the ceiling was made with intricate symbols all over it, each one having a specific purpose. There was another room in the chapel with all of the “noble houses” and their banner and emblems above their own pews, think House Baratheon in Game of Thrones but a lot less crazy and blood thirsty people, and if that house member died, then their banner (with their house emblem) would be taken down. We then went into a room which had a model of the castle showing the King and Queen’s separate bedrooms, even their closets, the kitchen, where they keep the jewels, the sitting rooms, and all the maids rooms. After touring the grounds for a while we made our way to the Windsor Hotel where we were served our very first High Tea, or Afternoon Tea. I had English Breakfast Tea, salmon and cream cheese sandwiches, egg and mayo and cheese sandwiches, small cakes and a mini apple pie, and to top it all off I had a scone with clotted cream and jam. You won't be able to go back to regular scones after having English ones with clotted cream. It was all so delicious and I wish I could have tea every single day. After tea, our group explored the town of Windsor, which was very lovely and had lots of cute stores and bookshops on these winding cobble streets. After heading back to London a group of us decided to walk around the Big Ben and go see the London Eye, which was amazing to see lit up at night, I wish my pictures could do any of it real justice. I am now back in my bed, after having an awesome day, and can’t wait to catch up on my much-needed sleep. 

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