Thursday, January 22, 2015

More things you notice while living in London

1. People call currency here either pounds or quibbs (they mean the exact same thing). 
2. Everyone is in a rush on the tubes, it's common to see people running in the stations. I myself have ran a time or two to catch a tube. 
3. Tubes shut down or get delayed almost everyday, but professors will most likely cancel class if its bad enough. 
4. The tubes stop at midnight, so if you're out late you better know how the night buses work.
5. But most places close (except for nightclubs) by 7, we were out to dinner once and asked for the dessert menu and they wouldn't serve us because the kitchen had closed at 6:45. 
6. Yes it's cold and windy, but the tubes will make you sweat within a minute, it gets bad, especially during peak hours when it gets crowded. 
7. The tube doors will shut on you, it has happened to my hand before and it is not fun. 
8. Travel is super cheap here, so when you come to Europe, go everywhere!
9. People here do not like American accents, it's too harsh and sharp according the them, but then you get a professor that has a hard time just trying to speak English and no one cares. 
10. EVERYONE IS ALWAYS SO DRESSED UP, it often makes me feel quite bad about my dress choice although it would be considered looking nice at my school at home (stay classy USC). 

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