Thursday, December 18, 2014

This is weird...

It is weird that I am still writing while in America, it is weird that I had to say America, because I won't be here in about 2 1/2 weeks. It is weird that I won't be near anyone I know, and it is especially weird that I am going to be in another country for 4 1/2 months. I am so excited and so nervous that I don't know which is the emotion actually making my stomach tighten up everytime I think about next semester. I will be studying at the University of Westminster in London, England and I have plans to travel to so many other places, I don't want to name them in fear of disappointment if I don't get there. BUT Christmas is in 8 days, I have so much to do, so much to prepare, and time is moving too fast for my liking. I am not ready to say goodbye to my family and Michael (he is my boyfriend, will probably be referenced a lot fyi) and my friends (710 I miss you already), I am not ready to be so raw away from them for so long. But I know this is something I have wanted to do for a VERY long time, and if I did not go, I would definitely regret it.

So the weirdest part is that I am not a writer, I will probably spell a lot wrong or just ramble about nothing, but I figured this was the best (and most cliche) way to keep everyone in touch with whats going on and to inform my mom constantly that I am still alive:) Please feel free to leave comments and reach out to me, but starting January 2nd, make sure its only on here, Facebook, or other forms of social media as I am not sure what I will be doing about a phone yet....

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