Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Getting lost in London

Just kidding, that is actually pretty hard to do right now because once you live in the city for 4 months, it actually becomes very easy to travel within. The tube map looks daunting, and the bus stops are even worse, but coming from a directionally challenged person, it is possible to get around London without help. I even had a British person ask me directions, and the kicker is that I knew how to get there! I felt pretty good after, not gonna lie. These past few days I have been trying to see the parts of London I have been missing lately, but it has been hard with trying to study for my last final and recently traveling to Germany (in the next blog post). I have been doing things every day and trying to sit down and study is near impossible. I keep forgetting I am here for school to, which I am being quickly reminded of while trying to study and looking out window on this beautiful sunny day (rare). But, I feel so lucky to be where I am, having the opportunity to study in such and amazing city, getting to travel all around Europe, and experience some pretty awesome things. So all in all, I feel like I have been able to blend with the people here, I do not feel like an outsider,  I really feel like London has become a home away from home for me, and that is something really special to finally realize. 

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